Dr. Sukrit Grewal

Easing Your Child into Their First Dentist Visit: A Parent’s Guide

man in blue denim jacket sitting on chair

The first visit to the dentist can be a significant milestone in a child’s life, and it’s natural for both parents and children to approach this event with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. However, with the right preparation and mindset, this experience can be transformed into a positive and even enjoyable one. Here are […]

Destigmatizing Dentistry: Creating a Positive Dental Experience for Children

For many children, a trip to the dentist is often met with apprehension and fear, a sentiment that, unfortunately, can persist into adulthood if not addressed early on. However, with an increasing focus on patient-centered care and the adoption of innovative approaches, the dental community is making significant strides in destigmatizing dentistry for the younger […]